Established to conform with the General Data Protection Regulation, May 2018

Following changes in legislation that came into effect on 25th May 2018, as a charity Genuine Imitation is now required to make you aware of a new data protection policy. If you are receiving this email then you will know that we hold your name and email address on our database. You will either be known to us personally or you will have registered your interest in Genuine Imitation via the website.

  • We hold your contact details in order to send you information about GI courses and news updates.

  • You will get regular communication mainly via email but occasionally by post.

  • Without your contact details there would be no way of sending you news and availability of courses and that would mean that Genuine Imitation could no longer function either in providing teaching courses or donations for the relief of poverty. It is the only way to reach worldwide and is cost effective.

  • You are never asked for any particularly sensitive or private information.

  • We do not hold any contact details for children.

  • We do not use your data in any unethical or unlawful way. We will not share your details with anyone else.

  • You can tell us at any time if you no longer wish to receive updates or course materials.

'Legitimate interests' is the processing of your data necessary for your legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party. That just means that we hold the information that is outlined above. It is the lawful status that we as a charity are relying on. We are confident that Legitimate Interests is the most appropriate basis on which to process data, having done a Legitimate Interests Assessment. We will keep a record of our LIA and the outcome in the GI file and review it yearly.

Therefore to summarise, if you have registered with your name and contact details online we will hold those details solely for the purpose of sending you information, teaching materials or to respond to relief of poverty. Or if you are a personal contact, you will have given us your contact details more directly. We will not share your information with anyone else. If you at any time do not wish to receive Genuine Imitation news updates we will immediately remove your name and details from our database.